In 1983, I bought my first computer (an original IBM PC) with the money I saved in junior high. I could see computer proficiency would give me a significant academic advantage in school over my peers, who were saving their money to buy cars.
I also bought a dot matrix printer even though electric typewriters were still the academic standard at the time. I knew that printers coupled with personal computers would soon make typewriters obsolete. Throughout high school and even into college I was able to work on and produce papers more efficiently and professionally than my peers on typewriters. And my dedicated dot matrix printer often proved more reliable than the school’s networked printers.
In high school, I also carried around all my schoolbooks for every subject in a large duffle bag. It was a nerdy thing to do and several upperclassmen teased me about it. I did it because teachers often changed assignments and required class materials. If I didn’t have the book, I might miss out important information for a test. Missing one question would not seem like a big deal, however, I wasn’t after good grades–I wanted perfect grades. Why?
Most everything I did in junior high and high school was focused on a single mission: to get into the United States Air Force Academy. Positioning oneself for entrance into a Service Academy requires years of strategic decision making: choosing computers over cars, being prepared for change versus trying to look cool, studying instead of going to parties, playing two sports instead of one, and participating in community service activities.
If my aim was attending a large state school, my strategy would have been much different in high school: less study more play, a car not a computer, etc.
Strategy at its core is planning to achieve an aim.
Most service-based organizations don’t have a website strategy. That’s probably because they don’t have a website aim for their business defined at all.
If your organization doesn’t have a website strategy, start by defining what you want your website to do in relation to your overall business objectives. From there you can work on a website strategy.