
Getting your website strategy right

It’s not about being right, it’s about getting it right. I’ve been thinking about this concept quite a bit lately as it relates to websites and strategy. Often, organizations spend boatloads and take an excessive amount of time on their website design/redesign trying to be right, rather than focusing on getting it right. The difference between being right and getting it […]

Getting your website strategy right Read More »

That website topic we don’t want to talk about but really should

I want to discuss a topic that I’ve not been comfortable talking about up to this point because: I have not implemented solutions for my own sites. I am generally lazy in these areas. I tend to choose the past of least resistance and lowest radar signature. I throw nickels around like manhole covers when

That website topic we don’t want to talk about but really should Read More »

What you wish you had learned about your organization’s online presence for the next pandemic

My 12-year-old son has a hard time understanding what he does today and how he does it will not only impact his current opportunity and environment, but also his future ones. Not surprising for a 12-year-old. He recently purchased a mini remote-controlled drone to learn to fly. It’s pretty amazing. You can fly it by line of site (just using the naked eye) or by

What you wish you had learned about your organization’s online presence for the next pandemic Read More »

Design reflections on the BLACK LIVES MATTER street mural in Washington, D.C.

Over the last decade, I can think of no other single design that has had a more tangible, pervasive, divisive place in the visual and ideological landscape of the American public than Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” red hats. I wrote about how that hat and it’s lack of design thoughtfulness exposed some blind spots in my

Design reflections on the BLACK LIVES MATTER street mural in Washington, D.C. Read More »

How to ruin your company’s well designed website and spend a lot of money doing it

Congratulations! Your company has just spent a couple of months and a decent chunk of change with a hipster web designer/team creating a fantastic website that is getting you traction with your clients. You’ve raked your web design team over the coals about type and color choices, image selection, content strategy, and site functionality. Now

How to ruin your company’s well designed website and spend a lot of money doing it Read More »